Enter the starting index ASCII:

Enter the ending index ASCII:

Enter the name of the font:

Enter the size of the font:

Data for work with the atlas:
"family" - font,
"style" - style font,
"size" - size font,
"chars" - characters in sdf format.

Each char has an array containing 7 the values:
"char"[0] - width the square in which is located the symbol,
"char"[1] - height the square in which is located the symbol,
"char"[2] - left indent before the character inside the square,
"char"[3] - right indent after the character inside the square,
"char"[4] - character width squared,
"char"[5] - position at X a square on the atlas in which is located the symbol,
"char"[6] - position at Y a square on the atlas in which is located the symbol.